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Support & Wiki

Whether you're facing an issue or simply looking to learn more about Crankk, this page is packed with valuable resources to guide you every step of the way. Browse our wiki tutorials for quick solutions, watch our video’s for visual walkthroughs and explore our FAQs to become a Crankk master. If you need further assistance, our support team and our community are ready to assist at all times.


Hardware and Software

Hardware and Software

Yes. If your gateway becomes faulty or for any other reason you need to switch it for a new one, you can apply for your license to be activated on the new gateway. Open a support ticket in our official Discord server and our team will arrange the switch for you.

ℹ️ Open a ticket here: https://discord.gg/crankk

Yes, that is possible. Crankk supports over 26 different gateway models thus far. Helium hotspots and many other LoRa gateways are supported. Also self-made or DIY gateways are supported. Please refer to our guides section for clear instructions on how to flash your specific model. Don't see your model in the list? Send us an e-mail and we'll try to include it in future builds.

⚠️ Keep in mind that if you want to provide coverage for both Helium and Crankk, your gateway should be onboarded to the Helium network before flashing it with the Crankk firmware.

ℹ️ https://crankk.io/guides/

Any USB-connected GPS module/dongle should work. Make sure your gateway has a free USB slot available to attach the GPS. Visit our Discord to ask the community which GPS devices give the best results.

ℹ️ https://crankk.wiki/docs/gps/

Only USB-GPS modules are supported for now. Please check if your gateway is compatible and has a free USB slot. For a list of known, compatible gateways. [Bobcat 300 does not work; the USB is for debugging only]

ℹ️ https://crankk.wiki/docs/gps/

Check the guides section on the official Crankk website to find the flashing instructions for your specific device/model. Crankk software must be manually installed on compatible hardware, such as LoRaWAN gateways or a Raspberry Pi equipped with a LoRaWAN module. Once installed, the software will generate a unique gateway ID, which is required for activating and licensing your device. Detailed installation instructions for different models are provided in the guides.

ℹ️ https://crankk.io/guides/

You can buy hardware from third party sellers or via regulated secondhand markets. Crankk doesn't sell hardware. We focus on re-purposing (your) existing equipment. The Crankk OS is entirely free and can be flashed to most gateway models, whether you're using an old Helium hotspot or you build your own DIY LoRa gateway with a single board computer and a LoRa module.

Yes. Open a ticket in our Discord server and the Crankk Support team will guide you through the process of setting up and onboarding your MatchX M2 pro.

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