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Updates to Your Crankk User Dashboard!

By April 1, 2024May 12th, 2024Crankk, News, Uncategorized, Update

We’re thrilled to announce some significant enhancements to your User Dashboard, designed to make your experience smoother, more intuitive, and efficient.

Here’s what’s new:

Enhanced Gateway Low Balance Notification

Your gateway’s balance health is crucial for uninterrupted service. That’s why we’ve upgraded our low balance notifications. Now, if your gateway is linked to the Crankk Card, we’ll not only alert you when balances are low but also specify the exact Chain that needs your attention. This precision ensures you can act swiftly to maintain seamless operations.

Increased Crankk Card Limits

We’re expanding what’s possible with the Crankk Card! For our Consensus Node operators, the limit has been raised the top up, to 10 KDA, empowering you with greater flexibility and potential. For Proof of Network Participation (PoNP) Nodes, you’re now able to top up, up to 5 KDA. These increased limits are designed to support your growth and enhance your operational capabilities.

UI/UX Enhancements

We’ve listened to your feedback and have implemented several UI/UX improvements to make your dashboard more user-friendly and visually appealing. These updates are aimed at providing a more streamlined navigation experience, allowing you to find and manage your settings and preferences with ease. Whether it’s accessing your Crankk Card details or managing your nodes, we’ve made sure that your interactions are more intuitive and enjoyable.

We’re excited for you to experience these updates and believe they will significantly contribute to your success. As always, your feedback is invaluable to us. Should you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Here’s to your continued success with enhanced control, possibilities, and a refreshed dashboard experience!