Mishocy.io will be building a utility web platform based on Crankk Network that will provide even more utility for users, including double mining and additional functionality for Crankk Network. Please note that while the Crankk software license fee allows your gateways to participate in PoNP and Consensus Nodes, it does not cover dual or triple mining.
However, Mishocy.io will provide free tools that allow your gateways to dual mine both Crankk / $CRKK and Helium / $HNT tokens. Please be aware that these tools are provided “AS IS” with no guarantees or support included, and no responsibility for any damage that may occur. It’s worth noting that while Mishocy.io will do their best to cover as many manufacturers and models as possible, there are a lot of different hardware and software combinations out there, which can make achieving maximum compatibility a challenge.
Additionally, Mishocy.io is dependent on Helium’s software, and there may be breaking changes that impact the functionality of the tools provided. While Mishocy.io will strive to push fixes as soon as possible, there are no guarantees. Moreover, Mishocy.io will offer a paid service that provides support (via SSH where possible) and more technical expertise to help Crankk users. They will also provide a wealth of analytics to help users analyse radio data, find bottlenecks, and identify problems with their antenna setup or software. The support service will be available for a low monthly subscription model paid in $CRKK (Crankk Token).
Additionally, before opening the Beta group at the end of March, Mishocy.io will provide a more in-depth presentation regarding the functionality of their platform. Stay tuned for more information! Please note that Crankk Network is not responsible for any multi-mining that may occur as a result of using Mishocy.io’s tools or services.