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Crankk official guide for onboarding a Bobcat Miner 300 (G285 - RK3566 - 2GB) Gateway with an SD Card

Crankk official guide for onboarding a Bobcat Miner 300 G285 gateway using an SD Card

You can identify the 2GB Bobcat Miner 300 by examining the Serial Number located on its rear side.
The Serial Number should start with G285. Alternatively, you can open the box and verify if the chip inside has G285 written on it.

If you’re considering dual mining Helium, please remember that you need to onboard it with Helium first.

Additional information regarding the Bobcat models and the flashing process can be found Here.

Please take note of potential Bobcat design flaws and hardware challenges outlined at the bottom of the guide.

If your Bobcat is still running the original OS and you haven’t installed CrankkOS yet, make sure to use the boot fixer first.

If you are already running CrankkOS on the eMMC, you can proceed with flashing CrankkOS directly onto the SD card.

You need a new SD card. We recommend using at least
a 64GB SD card.

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