Crankk official guide for onboarding a Kerlink iSeries gateway
If you haven’t purchased your Kerlink device specifically for Helium, then you should already have SSH access enabled. In this case, you can proceed with the onboarding process starting with step 1) Install Crankk
If you have purchased a Kerlink gateway for Helium, please note that you need to contact Kerl ink support to unlock the software key of your device and remove Helium. You can reach out to Kerl ink support at [email protected]
- Kerlink support team have to perform activity on their side, while the device is powered off.
- Then they will ask you to Factory reset and then upload the ipk file, while your Kerlink is disconnected from the internet. Here is a short summary:
– disconnect your router from WAN, connect your PC and Kerlink to the router via LAN cables
– you can Factory reset your gateway via Kerlink WEB dashboard (default credentials should be admin/pwd4admin)
– or if you do not have access to it you can follow this procedure:
- Power off the gateway by holding the ON/OFF button for more than 5 seconds.
- Make sure the Power led is off and release the button.
- Hold the ON/OFF button again, the leds will start blinking both red and green. That means the device is ready for stock restore operation and its waiting for your confirmation.
- Release the button.
- Then press and release it again to verify the operation.
- Once you do that, only the green led will stop blinking and the stock restore process will be started. This usually takes about 2-3 mins. Then the green led light will be present.
– Download the liveburner.ipk file from the link provided by the Kerlink support.
– login to the Kerlink web dashboard with the LANIP of the device, default credentials are admin/pwd4admin
– Navigate to Administration tab > Update and upload the ipk file. Once the update is completed reboot the gateway and the green light will be present again.
– Connect your router to the internet and proceed with step 1) Install Crankk.
•Connect your Kerlink gateway via an Ethernet LAN cable to your local network and power it on.
• Ensure your PC/Laptop is connected to the same network.
To do so check your router to find the gateway IP address.
If you are unsure how to do this, you can use free tools like Advanced IP Scanner to help you out. Check the MAC address of your gateway to find the correct IP address.
Open the Command Prompt/Terminal or PowerShell and log in via SSH:
ssh root@YourKerlinklPhere
It will ask you for the root password.
Type it in (although it won’t be visible) and press ‘ Enter’. Type in “yes” if prompted to do so.
Login: root
Password: pdmk-lastsixsymbolsofKerlinkEUInumber
2. Download the script to your gateway
After logging in, enter the following command to download the script.
wget -O /home/root/
* It’s a single command, so you can simply copy and paste it using the right-click of the mouse.
3. Get permissions and configure the region
Execute the following command:
chmod +x /home/root/
To set your region run the command:
export REGION=eu
If you’re not in EU, just replace it with your region(us or au, use small letters only)
4. Install the script
Execute the following command:
Please make a note of your GatewayID, as it will be needed later on.
The following warning can be ignored: Unable to find lorafwd pid. Its informative event, because the lora hadn’t been started before your configuration.